Johanan Ministries

Photo credit: (Sea of Galilee)

IHS 04 - It Is I.

It is I; do not be afraid.”, I said to My disciples…

Let Me begin by giving a bit of background to what I’ve just said.

It was a very windy night; and the sea was rough; and the waves were tossing the boat to and fro. Who were in the boat, you might ask? My disciples were in the boat. As for Me, I was quite a way far behind, having started My walk on the Sea of Galilee. Yes, on the sea…

There they were. I was approaching My disciples’ boat and I could see them now, rowing as best they could. I reckon I was walking at a faster pace than they could row, that I would’ve passed them by. That was when I heard troubled and fearful cries, “It is a ghost!”

What ghost? Where is it? Ah, My disciples had just took notice of Me walking on the sea, nearing their boat. Fancy them calling their Teacher a ghost! They had not recognised Me…

Hence the beginning of this story; “It is I; do not be afraid.”, I said to My disciples.

Peter, trying to be sure that it was Me, said, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” So, I said, “Come.” To his credit, Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water to come towards Me! Now, how about that for faith? Peter, walking on water…

Again, as I had mentioned earlier, it was a very windy night, the wind was blowing greatly… Look at Me, Peter; focus on Me, not on the wind.

But when Peter saw that the wind was boisterous, he became afraid. And as he began to sink, he said, “Lord, save me!” Immediately, I stretched out My hand and caught him. We then went safely into the boat. Would you like to take a guess of what happened next?

The wind ceased, and immediately the boat was at the land where we were going.

I just want to say again, “It is I; do not be afraid.” Do not let your heart be troubled. Believe in Me, and doubt not…




Reference: Matthew 14, Mark 6, John 6, John 14.